fianancial therapy for Generational wealth transfer in california

Generational wealth transfer refers to the process of passing down assets, wealth, or financial resources from one generation to the next within a family. This transfer often involves the passing of financial assets, such as money, real estate, businesses, investments, and other valuable possessions, from parents or grandparents to their children and grandchildren. The goal is to create a legacy of economic stability and prosperity that can benefit multiple generations.

What are examples of generational weatlh transfer?

  • Generational wealth transfer typically involves the inheritance of financial assets. This can include savings, investments, retirement accounts, and other forms of wealth accumulated by the previous generation.

  • Families often transfer real estate properties, such as homes, land, or commercial properties, as part of their generational wealth plan.

  • In the case of family-owned businesses, generational wealth transfer may involve passing on the ownership and management of the business to the next generation.

  • Stocks, bonds, and other investment portfolios are common components of generational wealth that can be passed down to heirs.

  • In addition to financial assets, families may transfer knowledge, skills, and values related to financial management and wealth preservation to help future generations make informed decisions.

  • The transfer of wealth is often facilitated through legal mechanisms such as trusts, wills, and estate planning strategies. These tools help ensure a smooth and organized transfer of assets while minimizing tax implications.

Client Scenarios

Here are examples of clients experiencing PTSD who would benefit from Financial Therapy.


Zahara is a 28 y/o female who recently lost her mother. She found out upon her death that she was an Executor of her estate. Zahara is overwhelmed by the trust and she is unsure how to navigate it as well as what to do with what she will receive as she has been pursuing graduate schooling and just recently started working. She is unsure how her mother wants her to use money.


Ali is a 45 y/o mother of 2 high school-age children. Her family has a large trust from which she that her children will benefit from and she is unsure how to navigate this process. She is fearful that her children will be overwhelmed by this money and she would like to provide them guidance. 

generational wealth transfer financial therapy in california

Koru Financial Therapy can help with Generational wealth transfers

Koru Financial Therapy can be a valuable resource for families navigating Generational Wealth Transfers. It requires careful planning, communication, and consideration of factors such as family dynamics and the financial needs and goals of each generation. Successful generational wealth transfer contributes to the long-term financial security and wellbeing of the family lineage.

It's important to note that generational wealth transfer can have both positive and negative aspects. On the positive side, it can provide financial security, opportunities for education, and a foundation for future success. However, challenges may arise, such as issues related to unequal distribution, conflicts over the management of family businesses, and the responsibility of managing inherited wealth responsibly. Koru financial therapy can support effective and productive communication, financial education, and proper planning crucial to navigating these challenges and ensuring a positive impact on future generations. Read below for additional ways in which Koru Financial Therapy can help.

  • Koru Financial Therapy helps families open up lines of communication about wealth transfer. We create a safe space for family members to express their thoughts, concerns, and expectations related to inheritance.

  • Koru Financial Therapy assists in managing expectations among family members regarding the distribution of wealth. This includes discussing individual financial goals, responsibilities, and the impact of inheritance on personal and familial dynamics.

  • Family relationships and dynamics can be complex, especially when it comes to money. Koru Financial Therapy works with families to navigate issues such as sibling rivalry, jealousy, and differing financial philosophies to foster understanding and cooperation.

  • Koru Financial Therapy provides financial education to heirs, helping them understand the responsibilities and challenges associated with managing inherited wealth. This education includes budgeting, investment principles, and the potential impact of taxes.

  • Stewardship is the responsible management of wealth across generations. Koru Financial Therapy helps heirs develop a sense of stewardship, emphasizing the importance of preserving and growing wealth for the benefit of future generations.

  • The transition of wealth from one generation to the next can be a significant life event. We support families in navigating these transitions, helping both the givers and receivers manage the emotional and practical aspects of the process.

  • Koru Financial Therapy encourages families to openly discuss money, breaking down taboos and fostering healthy communication about financial matters.

  • Koru Financial Therapy collaborates with families and estate planning professionals to ensure that estate plans align with the family's values and goals. This includes addressing potential conflicts and facilitating discussions around the distribution of assets.

  • Koru Financial Therapy emphasizes the importance of mindfulness and intentionality in managing wealth. This includes helping family members make conscious and intentional decisions about their financial legacy and philanthropic goals.

  • If conflicts arise during the wealth transfer process, we help families navigate and resolve these conflicts constructively. This may involve mediating discussions and finding common ground.

Contact Us

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

(916) 234-6733

Calls or emails will be returned within 24 hours during business days.


  • In-person
  • Nature
  • Walk & Talk Therapy
  • Online